
【文: gric / Mark Chen 2012/03/22 Taipei】

隨著2012/03/22這一場 COMPUTEX TAIPEI Pre-Show PRESS CONFERENCE 的開始、揭開了2012年CompuTex Taipei的序幕,今年的展場攤位數在主辦單位的努力與爭取之下仍然持續成長,所以2012 Computex Taipei的規模是歷年最大。


由這場CompuTex Taipei 展前國際記者會到場記者爆滿到溢出會場的盛況可以感受今年Computex Taipei熱度與關注。



主辦單位今年有蠻多革新與貼心的服務、除了APP的提供,Smart QR Code、RFID結合悠遊卡給國外買家兩天的免費捷運搭乘,還有增加VVIP的電動車搭乘服務…等等,對來台的國外買家的貼心服務與形塑CompuTex Taipei成為友善與科技的國際盛事有一定的效益。T03







101322全球第二大的資通訊專業展-2012年台北國際電腦展,將於65日至69日在台北舉行。在外貿協會鍥而不捨地向台北市政府爭取之下,世貿二館終於確定可以繼續作為COMPUTEX TAIPEI展場使用。「2012年台北國際電腦展」將再度呈現5館聯展之盛況,展出規模將再創新高,預計將有1,800家廠商報名,使用5,400個攤位,在場地受限之情況下規模再度較去年成長2%,預計吸引36千名國外買主及10萬名國內專業人士前往參觀採購。屆時可望締造280億美元的商機,佔2011年台灣ICT產品出口總值1,136億美元之25%。主辦單位特於今日舉辦展前記者會,宣布今年展覽重點及精采活動內容,為此全球資通訊業的年度盛事暖身。






根據市調機構IHS iSuppli的預測,Ultrabook2011年開始上市時,在筆記型電腦市場的市佔率還不到2%;但隨著其快速的普及與增長,Ultrabook市佔率將在2015年突破40%。未來Ultrabook將挾其強大的功能與輕薄特色,重返筆記型電腦戰場,與行動裝置平台的平板電腦一決高下。


Ultrabook的概念是Intel在去年COMPUTEX TAIPEI首先推出的。現已帶動AcerASUSSAMSUNGMSIGIGABYTE等業者投入生產。隨著新一代處理器陸續上市,「2012年台北國際電腦展」參展廠商AcerASUSSAMSUNGMSIGIGABYTE都將有大規模Ultrabook產品展出,精彩可期。




四核心技術及Windows 8是今年智慧型手機裝置的兩大議題。


目前全球唯一發表四核心處理器的NVIDIACOPMUTEX TAIPEI將有大規模的展示,台灣廠商HTC2月份發表的One系列手機即是使用四核心技術,今年COMPUTEX TAIPEI高峰論壇已規劃邀請HTC擔任Keynote Speaker


推出Windows 8的微軟公司今年也有大陣仗的展出,由於結合Windows 8作業平台的產品將於今年下半年量產,所以今年COMPUTEX TAIPEI會場上Microsoft將與多家台廠共同展出內含Windows 8的產品,這些大廠除了在攤位上的展示以外,更大量租用會議室及洽談室作產品的發表及與客戶深入洽談的場所。


另外,像是ASUS結合平板及手機於一體的Pad Phone也是今年的焦點之一。因應智慧型手持裝置的主題,為滿足業者的展出需求,本屆電腦展特別在世貿三館增闢了智慧型手持裝置配件區。


隨著Google將亞太雲端運算中心設在台灣,台灣廠商如台達電、廣達、仁寶、鴻海等相繼投入伺服器的生產、雲端資料中心及雲端相關服務,其中台達電、鴻海及仁寶於今年COMPUTEX TAIPEI將有大規模展出,廣達的林百里董事長則將於COMPUTEX TAIPEI高峰論壇擔任Keynote Speaker









另外,為響應環保節能,本展今年首度採用LUXGEN7 MPV電動車為本展VIP接駁車,讓海外貴賓接受本會貼心服務的同時,亦可感受台灣高科技研發能力及為環保所盡之心力。




活動豐富  精采可期



1. 台北國際電腦展創新設計獎(COMPUTEX TAIPEI design & innovation awards)係由知名的iF國際論壇設計公司執行,邀請國際專業評審團隊針對報名之國內外資通訊產品進行評選,即日起開放廠商報名至46日截止。在外貿協會的精心規劃下,得獎產品除於COMPUTEX TAIPEI會場亮相外,將進行一系列的海外巡迴展出,於全球知名ICT大展同步曝光。


2. 大會主題論壇將探討全球ICT產業發展趨勢,主題包含平板電腦、智慧型手持裝置、雲端運算、創新設計等,計有近百場論壇與趨勢演講,知名大廠如ARMQualcommNXPIntelMicrosoft等之全球高階主管均將來台發表新技術及應用,針對技術面、解決方案面、品牌行銷面及策略面,提供精采豐富的知識分享。設計論壇針對得獎產品之優良設計進行剖析及解說,結合設計與品牌行銷,提供與會者最新潮流之概念。


3. 一對一採購洽談會媒合全球重量級買主與本展參展廠商,係本展主辦單位提供給參展廠商的免費加值服務,上屆展期間共辦理1,000多場採購洽談,本屆仍將持續擴大辦理。


4. 聯合新品發表會將於展前一天配合國際記者會盛大舉行,目前已收到多家參展大廠表達參加意願,屆時歡迎國內外媒體朋友進行近距離體驗與採訪。


5. 台北國際電腦展第三屆高爾夫球聯誼賽將於610(展後一天)於桃園揚昇高爾夫球場舉行,提供國外買主、參展廠商、媒體朋友及主辦單位一個交流互動的平台,在輕鬆愉悅的氛圍下以球會友,交流專業與商機。



為提升展覽國際化程度,並強化本展與全球重要ICT展覽之聯合宣傳,外貿協會積極促成COMPUTEX TAIPEI與其他世界級資通訊大展結盟,繼2009年與柏林電子展(IFA)簽署合作備忘錄及2011年德國漢諾威電腦展(CeBIT)簽署合作備忘錄之後,今年1月更在「2012年美國拉斯維加斯消費電子展 (CES)」期間,與該展主辦單位共同簽署COMPUTEX TAIPEICES兩展之合作備忘錄。







記者會後實際以 Google Nexus S 進行測試、下載與執行都OK,但是在下載畫面時的顯示與比例並不會隨著SmartPhone的畫面比例進行自動調節,需要用手划划划到確認、下載、安裝等等按鈕的位置才得以繼續,這一點主辦單位可能要再多做一點測試與調整。


2012 Computex Taipei 親善大使與App展示



COMPUTEX TAIPEI coming soon!

Taipei, Taiwan 22. March 2012:The 2nd largest technology event of the year ─ COMPUTEX TAIPEI is just around the corner in its count down to the big moment this June 5th to 9th.

We are delighted to announce that we will continue using Hall 2 for the show this year, since Hall 2 will still be part of the five-exhibition hall fleet that makes up this year’s COMPUTEX TAIPEI. The show will host a record 1,800 exhibitors who will use a record 5,400 booths. It’s projected that more than 36,000 international buyers will visit the show. In spite of space limitations, this event has still grown 2% over last year.

The show is projected to generate 28 billion US dollars in business, which is 25% of the total exports value for the ICT products in 2011.

Show organizer TAITRA is hosting this pre-show press conference to offer the latest updates as follows:

  • Ø  New Themes for Show & and Products:


This year COMPUTEX TAIPEI has four theme areas, namely Ultrabooks, Smart Hand-held Devices, e-reading, Cloud Technology and Services. Outstanding Taiwan brands, like Acer and ASUS and international giants like Intel, NVIDIA, Microsoft, AMD, Ford and Samsung are all set to present the hottest and most innovative products.



According to the IHS iSuppli’s forcast, the market share of Ultrabook will go from 2% in 2011 to 40% in 2015.


The idea of Ultrabook was first announced by Intel in last year’s COMPUTEX TAIPEI. Companies like Acer, ASUS, SAMSUNG, MSI and GYGABYTE have already gone into full production. We are expecting brilliant selections of Ultrabook at COMPUTEX TAIPEI this year.


Smart Hand-held Devices:

Quad-core 4 and Windows 8 are two big issues for Smart Hand-held devices this year.


Nvidia, as the first company that published quad-core 4 processors, will have a large-scale exhibition at COMPUTEX TAIPEI this year. Newest Smart phone editions like the HTC One series smart phone are using quad-core 4 technology, and we are inviting HTC to be our keynote speaker at this year’s COMPUTEX TAIPEI CEO Summit Forum.


In order to promote its newly announced Window 8, Microsoft is planning an amazing display at COMPUTEX TAIPEI. Especially for the Windows 8 products which will hit the market in the second half of this year, Microsoft will also be co-presenting a large selection of Window 8 products together with many Taiwan ICT brands. Besides the display in their own booths, they have also booked many conference rooms and meeting rooms for product launches and procurement meetings.


In addition to quad-core 4 and Windows 8, the Pad Phone by ASUS will be another star attraction. Also, to match up the theme for Smart Hand-held Devices with the need of our exhibitors, we have set up a Hand-held Plus Area to exhibit accessories of Smart Hand-held Devices at TWTC Hall 3.


Cloud Technology and Services:

With Google expending its Asia Cloud base in Taiwan, Taiwan companies like Delta, Quanta, Compal, Foxconn have gone into the production of the Cloud Servers, data centers and related service. Key exhibitors at this year’s COMPUTEX TAIPEI are Delta, Foxconn and Compal. The CEO of Quanta – Barry Lam(林百里) will give a Keynote Speech at the COMPUTEX TAIPEI CEO Summit Forum.


  • Ø  Better Services:

Fourthly, we’re out to inspire buyers with better service.


To help buyers easily move between venues, we’ve focused on the new MRT line that now links Xinyi Area and NANGANG Hall.

We’ve embedded two-day metro passes into the badges of foreign visitors to encourage them to zip between halls and explore the city.


And, in order to promote eco-awareness, we have also prepared a fleet of Electric Vehicles for our VVIP buyers.


Buyers at this year’s show are empowered with the use of a new show APP that includes show map navigation, data exchange by bumping phones, social networking, calendar integration, Taipei travel information and in-APP pre-registration. After completing pre-registry, they get a bar-code on their phones, which can be scanned on-site for badge pick-up.


  • Ø  Major Events at the Show:

This year’s 32nd COMPUTEX TAIPEI offers the best features yet! The line-up includes the New Product Preview, Forums, Procurement Match-Making Meetings, d&i awards and the COMPUTEX TAIPEI Golf Tournament.


1. COMPUTEX TAIPEI d&i awards

Operated by the iF Forum Design, the COMPUTEX TAIPEI design & innovation awards at COMPUTEX TAIPEI have inspired the industry. Compared with its first edition five years ago, the number of entries and winners of the awards has doubled. This year we are expecting record 200 entries by the time registration closes on April 16th. All awarded products get a chance to join a global tour to display at leading ICT exhibitions.


2. New Product Preview

Just one day before the show we are hosting a New Product Preview at our Pre-Show Press Conference. We have received many applications from global firms who wish to sign up. This is the place to get exclusives and head starts on the people, companies and products at the show.


3. Forums

With the show comes scores of forums, real eye-openers that let you explore the future of ICT. Top executives from leading IT firms like ARM and Qualcomm will lead discussions that explore the frontiers of ICT.


Get set to meet the decision makers as they give insiders on the latest trends. There will be more than 100 speeches and forums during the show.


4. Procurement Match-Making Meetings

Procurement Match-Making Meetings are a free vital service at COMPUTEX TAIPEI. They join vendors and buyers face-to-face to let them hash out needs and contracts. Last year saw more than 1,000 such meetings and even more are expected this year.


5. Golf Tournament

It’s often connections that build success. That’s why we are hosting the COMPUTEX TAIPEI Invitational Golf Tournament. This year’s Golf Tournament will be at Sunrise Golf & Country Club. It tees off very early on June 10th with specially invited VIPs…. top executives, international CEOs, important buyers, exhibitors and sponsors. This is the place to relax and increase personal contacts after the show.



MOUs with CeBIT, CES & IFA instill fresh dynamic for COMPUTEX TAIPEI

COMPUTEX TAIPEI has signed mutual assistance agreements with top ICT shows around the world. This network of trade shows is helping to write a new page in ICT trade show history and set fresh milestones in world trade. 

The MOU endeavor started in 2009 when COMPUTEX TAIPEI signed one with IFA in Berlin, that was followed in 2011, when TAITRA signed on with CeBIT in Hannover, Germany. And now it has signed a new cooperative agreement with CES in Las Vegas.

These MOUs enhance exchange promotions and open the flow of show information so all sides can better serve industry. And it’s a perfect complement since COMPUTEX TAIPEI is largely based on Asian production and markets, while CES Las Vegas targets the American market and CeBIT and IFA take on the European market. This helps COMPUTEX TAIPEI link up the largest shows across Europe and America for greater access to the entire ICT universe.



For more details, click: wwww.ComputexTaipei.com.tw 




在ICT資通訊產業經歷近30年,喜歡網路寫作分享、兼任大學社團指導老師、同時基於熱忱仍然持續玩著電腦;貪吃愛玩也是熊的本性,所以也兼具美食、旅遊的分享。 Mark ( gric )是遊盪在資訊領域的一個人,也是愛遊山玩水與貪吃的台灣(黑)熊!資訊路上一路耕耘,歷經程式設計、系統分析軟體洗禮,走過零售消費市場、展場經歷、客服維護技術經歷豐富,產品經銷推廣代理、網路規劃實戰、人員教育訓練累積集成。學府演講經驗分享、企業教學3c/iT知識傳授,網聚分享與大型論壇演講,歷經滄傷經歷豐富。年少輕狂活躍社團、走過軍旅任過教官,iT經營篳路藍縷、3C盛世一路相隨成長,學識深造研究社群自我提昇、回饋社會網路執筆,這就是台灣熊的人生故事。現今主要志業為網路文字工作者、iT/3C測試評鑑玩家、大學社團指導老師,其他就是閒暇時間繼續擔任小小工程師維持技能與享受樂趣!

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